• 0.3 Reputation
    The reputation value gives an indication of how much the marketplace is good.
  • Details

  • Explaination of the reputation method
    Match type
    It considers the number of apps uploaded on the marketplace, grouping by similarity to seed applications. An app equal or very similar to a seed app contributes negatively to the score.
    It considers all applications on the marketplaces and marks them to adware or malware. The higher the number of malware applications, the lower the score.
    Apps lifecycle
    It considers how much malicious apps remain online, evaluating in this way the reaction time of the marketplace.
    It analyses the behaviour of the marketplace with respect to uploaded apps. A marketplace which doesn't delete apps flagged as malicious by antiviruses has the lowest score. A marketplace which delete apps before antiviruses detection has the highest score.
    Finally, reputation is weighted on popularity of the marketplace, computed a priori evaluating the number of downloads on most popular apps.
    Most frequent families Number of applications
    airpush 21.8% (223)
    adwo 9.8% (100)
    kuguo 8.7% (89)
    plankton 7.6% (78)
    dowgin 5.1% (52)
    gingermaster 3.4% (35)
    leadbolt 3.3% (34)
    waps 2.9% (30)
    wapsx 2.4% (25)
    fakeinst 2.3% (24)
    View all
    Most frequent permissions Number of applications
    INTERNET 99.8% (404)
    ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE 99.0% (401)
    READ_PHONE_STATE 98.8% (400)
    ACCESS_WIFI_STATE 96.8% (392)
    GET_TASKS 79.5% (322)
    ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 78.0% (316)
    SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW 77.8% (315)
    WAKE_LOCK 49.6% (201)
    View all