MD5 Package Name Fingerprint Name
12b776bd508dfda0a038ec3d6fd9f0ec cn.edeheeei.eeecdlecebekek 3850A34AEE2E017D64FB82255AD04104 安卓wifi破解技巧
Marketplace Developer Downloads Reviews (Number - Rating) Date of crawl Publishing date Deletion date Match type
lenovo alan_zhou123 0 0 - 3.0 2013-11-26 2013-05-02 2014-01-20 Perfect (md5)
  • 0.57 Reputation
    The reputation score gives an indication of how much this app is good, based on metadata got by marketplaces.
  • Details

  • Explaination of the reputation method
    Match type
    It considers the similarity with seed applications. An app equal or very similar to a seed app contributes negatively to the score.
    Developer reputation
    It considers reputation of developer or developers who published application.
    Marketplace reputation
    It considers reputation of marketplace where the application was found.
    It considers if the application was deleted or not. An application deleted is considered bad and so it receives a low score. On the other hand, highest score is assigned if application is currently live.